As promised, if a little belatedly, is news on when “Bob the Bump” will make his or her entrance into the world……..
It would seem that my initial wonderings were in fact correct and I was further ahead than first suspected – that meant a revision in due dates and brought it forward to………. CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! Excellent timing on our part we feel, and it has been suggested to us that we could have considered this a little better in the planning stages but hey, who are we to mess with Mother Nature!!?? In truth, it won’t be Christmas Eve as I intend to have an elective C-Section this time round to avoid all the palava that we went through in order to get Isabel – my darling sister says that it’s not that I am too posh to push, I am just too lazy!!!
This coming Monday is turning into a veritable Baby-fest day – I have my long awaited 20 week scan at 10.30am (which means we have made it to half way!), an appointment with the Consultant (whose name I can’t pronounce!) at 10.45am and then a visit to the Midwife at 3pm……… seems this baby lark is fast becoming like the proverbial buses!!
Not much to report other than that – we’d like to say a huge Congratulations to Uncle Paul and Aunty Rachel who got engaged last week at the bottom of the Grand Canyon…….it was lovely to see them at the weekend at Rachel’s birthday – Isabel was particularly pleased to be able to play with her Uncle Paul after so many weeks of being so cruelly separated from him!! I think she might already be saving her pocket money to pay for a possible trip to New Zealand for a wedding!!??
Crumbs, what a busy Monday coming up.
Can’t believe it is the halfway stage already.
Have discovered e-Bay. WoW!!!! Am busily bidding on cots, ready for visits, but have missed out on 3 (too mean to pay large postage costs for a start.)
If you are reading this, Paul & Rachel, many, many congratualtions.
If you are not reading this, congrats anyway!
Thank you so much for the congratulations…hope you are keeping well
love Rachel and Paul