This may end up becoming a theme of future posts but I do want to apologise for the infrequency with which I manage to get round to updating you – this may have something to do with the fact that most of my time is now taken up with making bottles (2 different types), changing nappies (2 different types, both equally disgusting in their own special way!) and generally meeting the requirements of our little Angels (though I may not always think of them in exactly that way!) ….and if I’m not doing that, then I’m probably asleep!
Continue reading A moments peace means time to write a post! →
Kate forgot to mention in her post earlier that there’s another gallery of photos up, including the first photos of the girlies together. As always, click the gallery page link on the left, or click the photo below to go to the gallery. Enjoy!
You may be pleased to know that I am now back in the land of living and am just about recovered from the trials of childbirth – unfortunately, the nice and easy recovery process I had hoped for didn’t quite materialise and I seem to have been plagued with infection after infection………after my 3rd course of antibiotics though, I seem to have shaken them off and am now feeling a lot more like myself and a lot less like an invalid!
Life at home with 2 small children has also been a huge learning curve – I am extremely thankful to my support team who came and stayed during the first 3 weeks…………quite what I would have done without them doesn’t bear thinking about! This week has been my 1st week on my own and so far it hasn’t been too bad (though it is only Wednesday!) – the fact that today is the first day I have managed to get out of my pyjamas before 4pm should probably be glossed over as should the fact that I have failed miserably in my attempts to do even the smallest amount of housework………things can only get better from here I suppose!?
Molly and Isabel seem to be enjoying bonding with each other. As soon as she is released from her cot in the mornings, Isabel’s first action is to go and look for Molly so that she can give her a kiss and she will look at you hopefully and say “Snuggle?†– this is, however, a request for a cuddle with Molly and not me…………once I got over my disappointment I was able to see the cute side of it and it’s lovely to see how enthusiastic Isabel is where Molly is concerned. It’s also very amusing to have Isabel lean over your shoulder whilst you change Molly’s nappy and declare “Oh Yuck!†but she does say that about her own nappies too so at least she’s consistent!
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