So, apparently it’s now year of our Lord 2024. Where on earth have the last nine years gone?
All posts by dan
Changes to the theme
So, according to Google analytics (I mean, what would *that* know?!) our website wasn’t mobile friendly. So I’ve changed the theme. Does it work? There’s probably a bit more work needed, but as I’m updating this from my phone I guess it works well enough.
Long time no speak
So … where to begin? Over three years have passed since the last post and what’s happened in that time? Oh, not much really. We’ve had no more children – at least, none that I’m aware of. That’s because the ones we’ve got already are such darlings. Most of the time anyway.
Amelia Lucy Winchurst has arrived…
We will no doubt be adding to this over the forthcoming days and weeks, but for now I have added a gallery with some pictures to celebrate the arrival of Amelia Lucy Winchurst this morning (22nd October 2009) at approximately 9.21am. She weighed 8lb 12oz and so far (around 13 1/2 hours later as I type!) she is doing fine.
I haven’t added any captions to the photos yet, so you’ll have to make up your own for now! Click the photo below to go to the gallery.
Where’s that year gone???
I just thought I should add a post, given that it’s been over a year since the last one. Anyway, given a rare day of sunshine a couple of weekends ago we decided to go for a family picnic, so the link below takes you to a gallery of a couple of photos from the day. (Needless to say the photos were taken before the moans of “I’m tired”, “Carry me!” and “I don’t want to walk any more” …. and that was just from Kate. 😉 )
New gallery
Kate has added a new gallery of photos. They are just a selection of the girls and the latest addition to the family … Tana, a cocker spaniel. As always, click the photo below to go straight to the gallery.
Trip to New Zealand
Although we ended taking our video camera all the way to New Zealand, didn’t touch it for a couple of weeks, then brought it all the way back again, we made better use of our stills camera with Kate taking photos at regular opportunities. Now that we’re back home, Kate has spent some time uploading a whole load of photos (130 to be precise!), although I think it took more time thinking of 130 different captions than it did to actually upload them!
Therefore please click on the photo if you would like to see them.
More photos
Kate has added a new gallery of photos. They are just a selection of the more recent photos Kate has taken, including some of Isabel wearing the previously mentioned swimming costume. We hope you enjoy them. As always, click the photo below to go straight to the gallery.
New gallery
For those that haven’t already spotted it, Kate has added a new gallery of photos. There is no particular event or occasion behind them – they are just a selection of the more recent photos Kate has taken. We hope you enjoy them. As always, click the photo below to go straight to the gallery.
Holiday, sweet holiday
We took the opportunity for a few days away on holiday at the end of April/beginning of May, to include Isabel’s 2nd birthday. We went to stay in a lovely cottage in a place called Blisland, just outside Bodmin in Cornwall. We were very lucky with the weather, as it was bright sunshine and blue skies every day except one. To see the photos we took while we were away, click the photo below.